Equity Meets… Resistance

For episode three of Equity Meets… we discuss the world of athletics and the role they play when amplifying inequities with host Executive Director Chenthu Jayton and Guest Lacey Henderson.  


About Lacey

We are joined by Paralympian Lacey Henderson who dives into the world of parasport to share her experience and understanding of where different inequities lie in professional sports and what confronting them looks like.

Lacey is a US Paralympian, advocate, speaker, model, and performance psychology professional. She works as a disability advocate, having conversations that normalize being and feeling different, and how it is our differences that truly unite us.

Listen as Chenthu and Lacey break down the classifications that exist in the athletic world and contemplate whether or not sports are inherently fair.


Take a listen to Lacey’s podcast, Picked Last In Gym Class to hear more from Lacey!


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