Equity Blog
Explore and learn about diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice topics and conversations
The equity blog explores topics, hard questions, and current news through research-backed, expert-informed pieces. Each piece provides thought-provoking insight, strategies, and tools to address inequities and a chance to contribute to the equity community.

Intersectional Feminist Theory to Practice
Assistant Director Ashley Hill delves into what intersectional feminist theory is and what is looks like when implemented in the workplace.

Retaining and Supporting a Diverse Workforce
MSW Intern Jessica Manzanillo details the more impactful steps that need to be taken to retain and support diversity in the workplace

Understanding Diversity from an Intersectional Lens
Equity Coach Patricia Gonzalez outlines and explains intersectionality and how it is present in every day life.

Activating Your Empathy with an Intersectional Approach Beyond International Women’s Day
Equity Coach Brianna Johnson shares how to support ALL women this international women’s day, and year-round, through an intersectional approach.